Notifications will be sent to Microsoft Teams when website visitors and candidates with your Staffing Engine AI website bot.
Microsoft Teams Configuration
Channel Names and Types of Notifications
Lead Submissions
- One-way notifications for:
- Completed candidate and client lead submissions
- Incomplete candidate and client leads
Live Chat Requests
- Two-way notifications between the MS Teams user to the website visitor
- Live chat requests
- Claim the conversation by clicking Claim Conversation
- Type “@BotName” before each outgoing message
- Type “@BotName close” to end the conversation
- Do not send two messages in a row - the website visitor will only receive the first message and will need to respond before you can send another one
- Live chat requests
- One-way notifications for:
- Missed chat requests
- Unanswered after 90 seconds during working hours
- Submitted after hours
- Claim by clicking Contactedbutton
- Missed chat requests
Lead Submission Notification Examples
New Website Bot Submission Notification
- Notifications will include:
- Candidate or client
- Contact information
- Qualifying question responses
- Other information:
- Flow Completed: signifies if the visitor completed the flow
- Timeout Step: if the flow was not completed, the step in the flow where the website visitor “timedout” will populate
- Record Link: the candidate or client record can be accessed by clicking on the link if there is an integration with your CRM/ATS
- Resume Link: if the candidate submitted a resume, the file can be accessed by clicking on the link
- Contacted Button: click to let your team know that you are following up with the lead
Contacted Website Lead
- After the Contacted button has been clicked, the notification heading will update and the bot wil populate the name of the MS Teams user who has contacted the lead.
Live Chat Request Notification Examples
New Live Chat Request
- Claim Conversation button: click to let your team know that you are going to live chat with the website visitor
Claimed Live Chat Request
- After the Claim Conversation button has been clicked, the notification heading will update and the bot will populate the name of the MS Teams user who is chatting with the website visitor.
- Refer to the message from the bot about how to engage with the website visitor.
Two Way Conversation
Live Chat Ended
Missed Live Chat Request
- Contacted Button: click to let your team know that you have followed up with the lead
Contacted Missed Live Chat Request
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